
Who do we partner with?

We partner with schools and community-based organizations to bring coding workshops to students during the school day and after school. We can host a workshop in a class hosted by the teacher, during an elective block, or during your after-school programming! Complete the form here to inquire about a workshop.

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Ways to partner with us

Bring a coding workshop to your organization

Introduce your students to the exciting world of coding with our 90-minute workshops designed for beginners.

Launch a coding class at your school

Bring coding education to your students with our semester-long after-school classes, designed to inspire innovation and creativity.

Teach a coding lesson in your classroom

Enhance your classroom curriculum with our downloadable coding lessons, designed to provide your students with a practical and engaging introduction to coding.

Bring laptops to high school students in need

Help bridge the digital divide by connecting a student in need with Mission Bit’s Laptop Scholarship Program.


Meet our partners

We believe that every student should have access to quality computer science education. That’s why our partners are crucial in helping us reach our mission. We work closely with other organizations in the community to make computer science education accessible to as many high school students as possible. By working together, we can make a greater impact and help bridge the digital divide.

Michael Elias, Mission Graduates/Mission High School

“Mission Bit is attentive to the needs of our school and students, going above and beyond in all phases of the program. Mission Bit pairs education with experience, making sure the content speaks to students’ identities.”

Partner with us

Learn more about becoming a partner!

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Help us introduce teens to tech

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